6 Jewelry Trends for Summer 2021
Image by Кристина Ломакина from Pixabay
Jewelry trends are always evolving. Out with the old, in with the new. But how do you keep up with what’s hot and what’s not? By reading this blog post, of course! Here we’ve compiled six top jewelry trends for summer 2021 that are sure to help you look and feel great.
The Growing Demand for Ethical Jewelry
The not so glamorous side of the jewelry industry
Beautiful, shiny, sparkly things – we all love our jewelry. It’s a must wear accessory for special occasions. And, the not so special occasions… it’s amazing how something as simple as a necklace can elevate the most basic of outfits into a stylish look.
Your Favorite Items Refashioned as Jewelry
Charming Necklaces for Every Occasion
Photo by Kamil Rybarski from Pexels
The wonderful thing about charm jewelry is that it so easily allows you to express who you are. Previous generations knew this, and would often keep a collection of beautiful charms for every occasion. While charms may have declined in popularity for a while, they're now back front and center.
Ethically Sourced Diamonds
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Diamonds have a unique and fascinating history that has made them one of the most sought-after gems in the world.
However, as in any other mining industry, diamond miners are prone to exploitation. Diamond mining and diamond trading, especially in the 21st century, are associated with human rights violations.
10 Jewelry Trends from Spring 2021
Image by polocanon7d from Pixabay
We’ve not seen anything like it in more than 100 years. What started off as a curiosity became a worldwide pandemic of historic proportions. It's been devastating for so many people and an endless run of lockdowns for the rest of us. But as we continue to struggle, hope shines eternal. Springtime is approaching and brighter days are just around the corner.
Popular Rose Gold Watches for Women
Image by Nam Nguyen from Pixabay
Rose gold jewelry is more popular now than ever before. And, as an important extension of your jewelry collection, rose gold watches are also a really popular right now.6 Jewelry Trends for Autumn 2021
Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels
Like many other people, you might have found yourself stuck in a humdrum fashion rut over the last while. You get up, throw on the same old clothes you've been wearing for days, and mope around the house. Yeah, it's been a drag.
Pearls: Timeless Jewelry for Every Occasion
Fashion trends come and go, but some classic pieces stand the test of time. And long before Jackie Kennedy uttered her famous words, elegant ladies have used precious pearls as a go-to fashion accessory.
Brighten Up the ’20s with some Colorful Beaded Jewelry
Image by Jeff Balbalosa from Pixabay
It's been a really tough time for the human race. The 2020s kicked off with hope, optimism, and... a pandemic. Yikes! Suddenly, we were all living in a lockdown and cut off from everyone and everything we love. Pretty depressing...
The Virtues of Cause Marketing
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